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Reflexology in Sheffield

Picture of reflexology being administered

Reflexology – a holistic approach to wellbeing

What is reflexology?

Reflexology is a form of foot massage which has been practiced in ancient Egypt, India and China for over 5000 years. It was introduced to the Western world over 100 years ago and has been growing in popularity.


Reflexology is based on the principle that every organ and system in the body has a corresponding point or zone on the foot, lower leg and hand. For example, the big toe or thumb represents the head and brain. Working these points can aid relaxation and brings about a sense of wellbeing in the body.

What can reflexology help with?

Picture of Buddha
  • Improves our sense of wellbeing

  • Improves mood

  • Aids relaxation

  • Releases tension

  • Aids sleep

There is an increasing level of stress in everyday life which can have a negative impact on all aspects of our health. Average ratings of personal wellbeing in the UK declined across all measures in the year ending March 2023 (Review of the UK measures of national wellbeing, 2023).

We need to recognise the harmful effects of stress in our lives and find ways of minimising them through a range of approaches. Reflexology could be one of the ways of helping us relax and manage our response to life's stresses, enabling us to lead a more fulfilling and happy life.

As holistic practitioners, reflexologists support the whole person to improve their sense of wellbeing.

Reflexologists do not diagnose, prescribe or cure.

Please note: Reflexology should not be used as an alternative for seeking medical attention.

What happens at a reflexology session?

Picture of patient having reflexology

You will be asked for your medical history, information about your lifestyle and to sign a consent form agreeing to treatment. If there are any concerns that reflexology could interfere with your health, or with any drugs you are currently taking, the practitioner would ask to speak to your GP.


You will be asked to remove only your footwear and to lie on a relaxator chair whilst the practitioner works on your feet and ankles applying gentle pressure using their thumbs, fingers or knuckles.


As each person is a unique individual, it is not possible to know in advance exactly how you will respond to a treatment. Generally, most people report that a reflexology treatment is wonderfully relaxing and soothing and a person may fall asleep during the session.

What happens after a treatment?

Picture of lotus flowers

After a treatment people report that it has made them feel relaxed, improved their mood and general well being and that they slept better. Other health benefits have also been reported on an individual basis.

Occasionally people may report a mild headache, feeling tired or the need to go to the toilet more frequently following their treatment. These are normal reactions and should pass in 1-2 days following treatment.

Each session will last about an hour and, in some cases, a series of sessions may be recommended to aid wellbeing.


Some people book a regular weekly or monthly session as a preventative measure, to keep them feeling well.

A good way to know if reflexology will help you, is to try it.

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